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  • Tesla Autopilot Release Date Revealed!

Tesla Autopilot Release Date Revealed!

I went through the Lex Fridman podcast with Elon Musk and have given you all the relevant information regarding FSD and Tesla autopilot in this short article!

A 2.5 hour podcast just dropped with Elon musk and he revealed so so much, so as to save you time I am breaking down all the things Elon said, and yes that includes when full self driving is coming. This is huge, so lets get into it.

Elon was talking about FSD and discussing why its so hard to write the code. These vehicles cannot simply be reactive,

“ they (the cars) must be able to predict like humans can “, Musk said.

Think about it, the human eyes and mind is constantly predicting what is about to happen, we have been doing this for millions of years when hunting for prey, throwing objects, and for example in modern life predicting the path of vehicles and bicycles on the road. So for a Tesla to become fully autonomous it must be able to predict ACCURATELY, what is happening in its environment.

This is the hard part, Elon states that FSD needs to be able to predict things accurately, and not just be a reactive software. FSD thus cannot use Lidar technology, because you need to create an accurate vector space. What he refers to here is, this ‘vector space’ well this is basically the camera mapping out the raw data and putting all the data points together to create a data space. Similar to how our eyes receive all the beams of light and from that we create an image of our surroundings.

So as I mentioned the decision making is tough, and Elon mentioned in the interview how

“our own eyes are constantly filtering things out to do this… Our eyes, they are uhm, just processing so so much information.”

This data processing, and filtering is something that Tesla is working hard on.

So why is FSD autopilot so important? Not just to Tesla investors but the general public? Well The way Tesla FSD can become better than people is because it is always paying attention, unlike humans in cars. Now the reason it is so important that Tesla FSD gets achieved is because of how frequently people in vehicles aren’t paying attention. Musk mentions that, you reader, when you’re driving “when is the last time that you updated your vector space, by looking to the left and right, and in your mirrors“, because it certainly isn’t as often as Tesla FSD is updating its vector space. Because of this there are many preventable incidents with Cars that are costing people their lives.

There are over 36,400 deaths this year due to car crashes in the USA alone. If Tesla FSD is adopted, these death rates will significantly lower and people who may have died in a crash will now get to hopefully live a healthy and productive life. What is really cool, is what Elon explains here how things that come seemingly natural to Humans must be taught to the FSD software.

Decision making and understanding where things are in the physical word in relation to ourselves, Elon mentions is so simple for us, but crucial for the software to run well. A great example that Elon mentions is that before a certain age as children we do not understand the world as well. For example an adult can put a toy behind their back, and each time they pull it out to the front to show the kid, the kid goes crazy because he thinks its a new toy! Eventually we learn that the toy is still behind the adult. This is called Object memory importance and Elon mentions how Tesla software is learning and using these principles.

Tesla Vehicles are the safest

As of now cars using tesla FSD are safer than Tesla vehicles without the software equipped. This is partially because Tesla FSD because it has 8 eyes, including ones in the back of the car. Can see better, and especially better at night than humans.

So when will Tesla solve FSD?

Lex Fridman : “So when will Tesla have reached level 4 autonomy?”

Elon Musk in response. “I am confident we will reach that next year“

Wow! Next year! This is so exciting, Elon predicts that in 2022 the rate of collisions on FSD will be significantly less than the average human at which point level 4 autonomy has been reached. He also mentions that one of the toughest part then will be to convince legislators to approve Tesla autopilot. So although level 4 autonomy may be reached, it isn’t guaranteed that FSD will be approved.

So because of all of this positive news, I really could see Tesla stock getting substantial gains in January alone. What do you think?

Thankyou for reading my article, stay subscribed to receive the latest news regarding Tesla!

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